Monday, August 1, 2011


  by szachko
, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
For Zozo's seven years old birthday, Abby bought her a beautiful Betta fish. Girls named their first fish as Mr. Bubble.  Mr. Bubble lived in a start up plastic container with happy Buddha as his friend and one bamboo bridge as his playground.  Girls decorated the tank to make sure Mommy would be pleased and took turns to ensure Mr. Bubble was well fed.

One night, Mommy heard Mr. Bubble was wiping at the edge of the bridge claiming his woe.  Mommy decided to set up a better place for Mr. Bubble.  Mommy discussed the plan with Daddy and then setup the action.  Mommy ordered a German  Filter system to ensure Mr. Bubble would have clean water to swim in.  Daddy carried a 50 lb. tank crossed city to ensure Mr. Bubble would have bigger playground to play.  Girls were so excited and kept reading all the plants and decoration for Mr. Bubble's new home.

Unfortunately, a brutal heat wave blowed up our cooling system and heat the whole place up to 95 fahrenheit.  Mr. Bubble gave up the waiting and R.I.P.

Even though we lost Mr. Bubble, the whole family is still working on the construction.  Cover was in place.  Substrate showed up.  Lighting was on the way.  Mommy and Daddy had found the place for the new plants.  Before long, the new home is well decorated and we named it, "Amazon."

Abby and Zozo would like to visit fish shop again to see how the professional designed and maintained a beautiful tank.  Both girls could not help but fall in love with Betta fish and asked for another try.  With hours of struggling, girls picked a pretty purple Beta and named the fish, "Bob."

And here it is.  Bob looks pretty happy now!!  By the way, the full name of the fish is "Mr. Bob Bubble."

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