Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mystery She Wrote..

Amazon - Week 9 by szachko
Amazon - Week 9, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
Couple days after brought home group of Neon Tetras, we found this baby fish hanging around right under the water surface. She was so tiny that we were not sure if she would have survived. She disappeared into the jungle later and we kind of forgot about her.

Weeks after, girls were screening about how big (well still tiny) the baby fish became. We checked her up and verified that she is not one of Tetra since she is missing those bright blue and red stripes.

Her both eyes are kind of at the same level and sit almost on top of her head. Hubby thinks she might be a Betta.  If she is a Betta, then we might need to spawn off one more tank...  As of now, her identity still remains a mystery......